Year 1 have made a fantastic and exciting start to this year. They have risen to the challenge of Year 1 completing beehive challenges linked to all areas of the curriculum and showing great independence in completing their work.
They have had lots of exciting learning opportunities including visiting the library (where many of them got their own library cards), a trip to All Saints Church’s ‘Christmas Tree Festival’, a fascinating Autumn Walk and the amazing Harrow Art’s Centre Pantomime of ‘Aladdin’.
They have done lots of hard work exploring their own identities their as ‘All About Me’ topic, learning about their local area and investigating all about toys and their history.
They have loved sharing their learning with their parents such as through Nativity performance, sharing their own work on Seesaw as well as own Family Reading Event. We can’t wait to see where our learning will take us next.
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Curriculum Overviews