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Weald Rise Primary

House Captains

House Captains

House Captains



At Weald Rise Primary School, the children belong to one of our school houses which are:

Romans, Vikings, Egyptians and Anglo-Saxsons.


Each house has two captains from Year 6 who are elected by the children.

Throughout the year the children are able to earn house points for a range of positive behaviour including: kindness, good work and team work. Each term the house with the most house points wins the House Cup.

House Captain

Pupils’  Voice



R A – Romans Vice-Captain 

Hi my name is R. I like football and I love taking one-time opportunities because you only have one chance and then it goes. I can show that I am a great Vice-Captain and what I love about my house is whenever I check the house points, Romans have the most! 

J N– Vikings Vice-Captain 

Hi I am J. I love playing games like most kids. I am not afraid to talk to people, like I am not shy to talk to people. Also I will try my best for us Vikings to win and to succeed in any challenge we face. If there is a job someone will give me or if someone needs help I will get to it right away. That’s why I make a good Vice-Captain. 

G T – Egyptian Captain 

Hi I’m G and I am the Egyptian House Captain. I like playing football and acting, and I have played many roles including Simba in The Lion King. I am sociable and I will always listen, for example when I see someone in the playground who is upset, I will talk to them and try and make them feel happy. This was one of the reasons why I wanted to become House Captain. I like this house because it is full of different people with different skills, and together we can win! 

Sl R – Egyptian Vice-Captain 

Hi I am S and my hobbies are almost all the sports in the world. My interests are to know almost everything about football that there is to know. I think my best leadership skills are to help and to support my team when they are sad and also to give all the motivation that they could need. The thing I love most about my house is that we are a team which works best together.  

N R – Anglo-Saxons Vice-Captain 

Hi! I'm N and I love being a Vice-Captain because I get to show that I am a good example to younger students. I also get to encourage others to do their best. My hobbies are reading, maths and being a leader. I believe I can be a good leader because I can share thoughts with others, respect them, and let their opinions participate in important discussions. I love that my house is willing to try their best and I just love that we are all working together as a team to try and make our team score the highest points! 


Anglo-Saxons - Winner