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Weald Rise Primary

Home Learning

Home Learning

Following on from a hugely successful year of using Seesaw last year, we intend to continue using this platform across the whole school again this year alongside Microsoft Teams.

Seesaw is a secure online journal used to share and communicate with families and for children to complete online home learning. In the event of the school having to close again at all due to a second lockdown, Seesaw would be the platform we would use to deliver our home learning curriculum. It will also be used as the primary means of communication between parents and the school. For these reasons, it is therefore vital that as many parents and children engage with it as possible.

Seesaw will now also replace the use of a homework book and will include the regular homework tasks to be completed online. In addition, your child’s teachers will add the things we work on (including photos and videos) to their Seesaw journal, for you and other family members to view and comment on, throughout the school year. The teachers will also use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders. Seesaw is private; you'll only see posts created by your child or sent by staff.


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