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Weald Rise Primary



Transition is a very special time in the lives of pupils and their families and we do everything that we can to help our pupils make a smooth transition from one stage to the next.

We have open days that all our prospective families are welcome to visit.  Most new families require a visit in the Autumn term when they are about to decide on the new school.  Sometimes families wish to visit at other times.  We encourage you to contact our school office to make an appointment to visit our school. 

Early Years Foundation Stage:  We work closely with other Nursey providers to ensure a smooth transition from your child’s previous setting to ours.  We also work very closely with parents and support families whose children are attending school for the very first time.

At the end of Reception Class, pupils transfer to Key Stage 1.  Our EYFS team work closely with Year 1 team and start the transition process from the Spring term.


Key Stage 1:  Throughout Key Stage 1 there will be a number of opportunities where parents will be invited to school to understand how to support with pupils learning.   Children in Key Stage 1 have number of opportunities to interact with Key Stage 2 through Assemblies, Morning club, After school club and at special events.  Through this, the move to Key Stage 2 is a natural progression stage for the children.  To support parents, we arrange parents’ curriculum meetings to introduce parents to the new staff and any change in routines.


Key Stage 2:  Children in Key Stage 2 finish at 3:30pm.  At the end of Key Stage 2 they sit their SATs and prepare for High School.  We usually have visits from staff of the local high schools to speak to Year 6 pupils about high school and all the expectations.

The schools that visit regularly are:

Hatch End High School

Bentley Wood Girls High School

Whitefriars School

Salvatorian College

Regular meetings between our Year 6 team and the inclusion team ensures that the High Schools are prepared to receive our pupils.