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Weald Rise Primary

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

At Weald Rise Primary School, we aim to create a primary school that encourages its children to explore, discover and dream.

We want to help each child become a caring, confident and curious young person, who has a passion for learning and achieving. Our curriculum prepares children who are ready for life. There is also a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and emotional well-being.

As the school serves a community with very diverse backgrounds, we provide activities that children may not otherwise experience. We recognise that children need both a sense of valuing themselves and developing aspirations for their future and for their community.

We aim for all learners to enjoy their education and make very good progress in all areas of learning. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their full potential. Those who are most able are challenged and supported through appropriate extension activities. Those who struggle are encouraged and given targeted support to embed knowledge and skills, to develop at their own pace or simply to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs.

An extensive range of extracurricular activities is provided before, during and after school. We provide clubs involving music, art, science, drama and sports. 

 The school’s focus on curriculum development has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression across the school with frequent opportunities to embed prior learning. It provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.

The primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride and achievement and provide a purpose and relevance for learning. Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. The core subjects are taught both stand-alone and as part of our creative curriculum in which the foundation subjects are taught as part of a themed termly topic. Creativity is enhanced through high-quality visitors and school trips.

Faculty leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. They each collate evidence and regularly hold pupil interviews in order to check on knowledge and skill acquisition.

Our delivery of the school curriculum provides our children with the chance to raise questions, discuss important issues, learn to listen to others views and share their own thoughts. They are given opportunities to discuss the Rights of the Child articles and share their views. Our diversity work helps children to realise that everyone is special and unique and we should celebrate differences in different kinds of families.

We encourage children to take part in fun activities, such as World Book Day, International Day and Parliamentary Week. 

An extensive range of extracurricular activities is provided before, during and after school. We provide clubs involving music, art, science, drama and sports. We encourage children to take part in fun activities, such as World Book Day, International Day and Parliamentary Week. The children can dress up, create projects and models and experience a totally different school day.

As a result of our improving provision and practise, our children perform very well in all areas of learning and this has been recognised through our various accreditations. The impact of our curriculum can also be measured by how effectively it helps our pupils develop into well-rounded individuals who embody our values and carry them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them lifelong learners and valuable future citizens.