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Weald Rise Primary




Maths at Weald Rise



At Weald Rise Primary School, our vision for Mathematics is for our children to develop into confident mathematicians who have the tools and skills for everyday life and are equipped for the future. We aim for every child to master the curriculum and feel appropriately challenged and supported throughout their learning journey.

Our teaching helps children build their fluency and retain what they have learnt, through daily practise and recapping of key skills and knowledge. We develop children’s mathematical language and reasoning skills through plentiful opportunities to speak about their learning, explaining their understanding and reasoning about what they notice. We use small steps to ensure children’s learning is secure. Learning is coherently and thoughtfully planned to support children to make links between different areas of Maths.

Through encouraging problem solving and building children’s resilience, we help them develop the skills and attributes that will aid them in later life. Through our vision, we strive for our children to leave us as confident lifelong learners, mathematicians, individuals and members of the wider world community.


At Weald Rise Primary School, we have a bespoke maths curriculum that enables teaching for mastery across the school.

  • Teaching for mastery is a new way of thinking that focuses on deep learning for all children.
  • When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures.
  • At Weald Rise, we aim for to allow children to have access to and mastery of a rich curriculum routed in deep, conceptual understanding including the 5 big ideas of mastery: the careful use of different representations and structures, promoting mathematical thinking, developing both procedural and conceptual fluency, coherence and the use of variation.
  • We follow the ‘White Rose’ scheme of learning, utilising the best of this scheme, alongside other quality resources from other bodies including the Maths No Problem, the NCETM ready to progress materials and Nrich, in order to support all learners and to extend fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

                                                 A new way of thinking and teaching

Whole class moves through content at the same pace

When teaching maths for mastery, the whole class moves through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth and the teacher does not move to the next stage until all children demonstrate that they have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. Any content that needs reviewing or revisiting is secured before teaching new content so that children are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need.

Time to think deeply about the maths

Students are given time to think deeply about the maths and really understand concepts at an interactive level rather than as a set of rules or procedures. This slower pace leads to greater progress because it ensures that students are secure in their understanding and are then able to recall, apply and refer to this as they develop and move up through the school.

Builds self-confidence in learners

Teaching maths for mastery is different because it offers all pupils access to the full maths curriculum. This inclusive approach, and its emphasis on promoting multiple methods of solving a problem, encourages children to use resources and models where needed and so builds self-confidence and resilience in pupils as they are all able to achieve.

Differentiates through depth rather than acceleration

Though the whole class goes through the same content at the same pace, there is still plenty of opportunity for differentiation. Unlike the old model, where advanced learners are accelerated through new content, those pupils who grasp concepts quickly are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems within the topic. Those children who are not sufficiently fluent are provided additional support including concrete materials, models and adult support to consolidate their understanding before moving on.

Opportunities for Quality Talk

Knowing something in mathematics is only the start; children will be expected to develop a depth of understanding through using higher order skills of explaining, reasoning, justifying and conjecturing. Due to the emphasis on problem solving, children are required to work collaboratively, articulate their understanding and share ideas, using increasingly sophisticated mathematical language, on a daily basis.

Maths is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. We envision learners who see Maths in a positive light and are active and metacognitive in their learning, and are equipped with the skills for life. At Weald Rise we work together as a school, bringing together the expertise and skills we have in school, and supporting this with the best ongoing professional development, quality resources and opportunities to enhance our own subject knowledge, in order to best support all children to achieve and progress.

CPA Calculation Policy

Times Tables

 If you would like to know more please see the links below:

White Rose scheme of learning: https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/primary-resources/primary-sols/


White Rose for parents including free work booklets and guidance videos on your children’s learning: https://whiterosemaths.com/for-parents/


The current ready to progress criteria listing the most central skills children need to be ready for their next stage of learning: https://www.ncetm.org.uk/classroom-resources/exemplification-of-ready-to-progress-criteria/


The five big ideas of Maths: https://www.ncetm.org.uk/teaching-for-mastery/mastery-explained/five-big-ideas-in-teaching-for-mastery/


Nrich Maths at home (problem solving): https://nrich.maths.org/14600

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