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Weald Rise Primary

Why choose Weald Rise?

Why choose Weald Rise?

6 reasons to make Weald Rise your first choice…
  • We are passionate about educating the whole child, developing independent and resilient lifelong learners.

  • Our rich and engaging curriculum is innovative and challenges every pupil. Alongside our creative and pioneering teaching our pupils make outstanding progress.

  • New state of the art facilities with specialist resources and teachers including; music room, food technology room, sensory room, playing field and great outdoor learning areas.

  • Our core music offer enables each child to experience a number of instruments, including violin, drums, recorder, steel pans.

  • We provide memorable experiences both inside and outside the classroom, encouraging pupils to have the confidence to pursue their passions and acquire a multitude of skills.

  • Extensive partnerships with local organisations create exceptional opportunities, enriching our school offer for the benefit of both pupils and staff.

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