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Weald Rise Primary

Wigmore Hall

Wigmore Hall

Working in partnership to embed music into the heart of schools

In September 2019, Weald Rise began collaborating with Wigmore Hall. Having been one of three schools in London who were successful in bidding for this opportunity, the three year programme aims to develop our cultural offer, co-creating a range of opportunities which meets the needs and places music at the heart of our ethos.

Already a wide range of creative music making activities have occurred led by professional musicians from Wigmore Hall. These include:

  • Team teaching with staff in EYFS, Year 3 and Year 4 to further develop music in the classroom with a focus on greater depth of learning within this subject.
  • Year 1 creative writing song project: children write a school song
  • Year 2 and Year 6 visiting Wigmore Hall to watch a schools concert.
  • Year 5 project creating a musical production telling the story of Hercules. These pupils have also performed at Wigmore Hall to the other schools who are part of this project.

Wigmore Hall professionals have also regularly supported school events throughout the year. These include a musician from the Bloomsbury Quartet performing at our International event and musicians speaking to children in assembly during Careers Week.