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Weald Rise Primary

Our Governors

Our Governors

What is the purpose of the Governing Body?

The governors are the strategic leaders of schools and they have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. The Governing Body is the school’s key strategic decision-making body.  It has a collective, legal responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within a framework established by national legislation and the school’s agreed policies, and ensuring all statutory duties are met.

The Education Act 2002 states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school'.

In all types of schools, governing bodies focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors are volunteers who bring knowledge, skills and different perspectives from their work and life experiences. They are not paid for their work. Many of them have full-time jobs and all have other commitments. They sometimes take time off from their work to visit the school or attend meetings, although most meetings are held in the evening. 

Governors are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the headteacher - although the headteacher will discuss most aspects of school life with the governors. The partnership between the headteacher, staff, governors, parents, pupils and the wider community determines how well the school functions.

What does the Governing Body do?

It meets each half term, so that is six meetings every school year.  There are two committees:  the Resources Committee, which deals with finance, staffing, health and safety and premises issues, and the Achievements Committee, which monitors and evaluates the delivery of the curriculum, pupils’ learning and progress.  They also meet each half term.  Governors are members of one of these committees. 

There are also smaller committees and working groups which review areas such as the school development plan, staff pay and performance management, deal with safeguarding, communication and work with the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Harrow Council on the school’s new build.

Individual governors are also linked to particular aspects of the school, including Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Special Educational Needs, Early Years, Able Gifted and Talented Pupils, Pupil Premium and Attendance.

  • As well as attending the regular governing body and committee meetings, governors
  • Meet regularly with senior leaders and middle managers
  • Undertake learning walks and visits to meet staff and pupils, seeing at first-hand how the school works
  • Organise opportunities to meet parents and the wider community
  • Keep up to date with new legislation and education changes through reading and research
  • Undertake regular training organised by the Harrow School Improvement Partnership (HSIP), the Association of Harrow Governing Bodies (AHGB) and the National College for Teaching and Leadership.

Members of the Governing Body


  • Mike
    Co-opted Governor
  • Alison
    Parent Governor
  • Folake
  • Stephen
    LA Governor
  • Louise
    Staff Governor
  • Paulette
    Parent Governor
  • Ryan
    Co-opted Governor
  • Tabassum
    Parent Governor
  • Neal
    Parent Governor
  • Toyin
    Staff Governor
  • James

Governing Body Documentation