Our Governors
What is the purpose of the Governing Body?
The governors are the strategic leaders of schools and they have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. The Governing Body is the school’s key strategic decision-making body. It has a collective, legal responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within a framework established by national legislation and the school’s agreed policies, and ensuring all statutory duties are met.
The Education Act 2002 states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school'.
In all types of schools, governing bodies focus on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governors are volunteers who bring knowledge, skills and different perspectives from their work and life experiences. They are not paid for their work. Many of them have full-time jobs and all have other commitments. They sometimes take time off from their work to visit the school or attend meetings, although most meetings are held in the evening.
Governors are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the headteacher - although the headteacher will discuss most aspects of school life with the governors. The partnership between the headteacher, staff, governors, parents, pupils and the wider community determines how well the school functions.
What does the Governing Body do?
It meets each half term, so that is six meetings every school year. There are two committees: the Resources Committee, which deals with finance, staffing, health and safety and premises issues, and the Achievements Committee, which monitors and evaluates the delivery of the curriculum, pupils’ learning and progress. They also meet each half term. Governors are members of one of these committees.
There are also smaller committees and working groups which review areas such as the school development plan, staff pay and performance management, deal with safeguarding, communication and work with the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Harrow Council on the school’s new build.
Individual governors are also linked to particular aspects of the school, including Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Special Educational Needs, Early Years, Able Gifted and Talented Pupils, Pupil Premium and Attendance.
- As well as attending the regular governing body and committee meetings, governors
- Meet regularly with senior leaders and middle managers
- Undertake learning walks and visits to meet staff and pupils, seeing at first-hand how the school works
- Organise opportunities to meet parents and the wider community
- Keep up to date with new legislation and education changes through reading and research
- Undertake regular training organised by the Harrow School Improvement Partnership (HSIP), the Association of Harrow Governing Bodies (AHGB) and the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Members of the Governing Body
MikeCo-opted Governor
Having formerly been a primary school teacher for almost ten years (I am now the minister of a local church) becoming a Parent Governor in 2011 seemed a natural way of using my previous experience to support the school that my own children attend. As part of that I currently chair the Achievements Committee. Having seen close-up the hard work of staff, governors and pupils through the challenges of the past few years, I am excited about the future for our school which I hope will be a great one for all of our children.
AlisonParent Governor
I have been a Governor since 2011. I have two lovely sons; my oldest is in high school and the youngest comes to Weald Rise. I became a governor to aid and challenge the school and I have supported it going from strength to strength.
I sit on the Resources Committee and I am also the SEN and Attendance Governor. I have been working in media production for over 20 years and specialise in advertising and compliance where I will use my skills and experiences to benefit the school community and continue to champion its teaching staff and children. -
My name is Folake Agbaniyaka. I assumed position as Headteacher at Weald Infant and Nursery School in January 2013 following which I was appointed the Headteacher of the newly amalgamated school, in April 2015.
Prior to working at Weald Rise, I worked in 3 Schools in the London Borough of Brent. In my many years of working in education, I have been fully committed to ensuring that all pupils in my care reach their full potential.
In spite of all our challenges in Weald Rise Primary School, I am very proud of all that we have been able to achieve to date. I am truly blessed to be leading a team of willing and committed staff and a determined community and together we shall turn our school into one of the best schools in the Local Authority. We will continue to nurture each child, enable them to achieve high standards of academic attainment whilst enabling them to become capable, caring and confident pupils.
StephenLA Governor
Stephen Greek is a local councillor for Harrow Weald. He has been a Governor since 2009, serving in a variety of different roles including the Resources Committee. Stephen has lived in Harrow all of his life and works as a researcher at the London Assembly.
LouiseStaff Governor
I have been involved with Weald Rise since my daughter started Nursery here in 2004. My two sons were also pupils here. I became a parent governor and then joined the staff. I am currently a year 6 teacher. I am committed to Weald Rise providing the best outcomes for all our pupils, enabling them to become confident, happy and successful young people. -
PauletteParent Governor
Hello, my name is Paulette and I am a parent governor. I was born and raised in Harrow and have a daughter in Year 2, but my affiliation with the school dates back to 2004 when my son attended what was then two separate schools called Weald Infant and Weald Junior school.When the opportunity arose to become a parent governor, I put my name forward because I wanted to play a more active role in supporting the school. I have a background in policy with over 20 years experience in the public sector. I saw this as an opportunity to give back and make a positive contribution.Being a parent governor has given me the opportunity to view the school through a different lens to that of a parent. I have seen the challenges when it comes to running a school but more importantly the dedication and commitment from staff and governors to go from strength to strength. I am proud to be part of such an amazing and caring team who has every child at the heart of its work. -
RyanCo-opted Governor
Hi, I'm Ryan, and I have been a Parent Governor at this school since November 2015. I decided to help as our daughter was attending this school and my wife suggested I might be able to support the school in certain areas. At that time the school were also looking for Parent Governors. This was my first experience of being a Governor. I have been fortunate to attend some of the various class assemblies over the years in both the old building and now the recently completed new building.
I am a full-time Chartered Civil Engineer and I want to use my skills and abilities for the benefit of the pupils and staff at Weald Rise Primary School, as well as the local community.
I have provided guidance to the school during the later phase of its Major Building Works and continue to provide guidance for ongoing maintenance and building works. The role that I have is intended to help enhance the learning experience of all children and staff at the school so they can get the best use out of the building whilst moving around it safely.
I am also a member of the Resources Committee and the named Health, Safety, Security & Environmental (HSSE) Governor.
I look forward to continuing to work with the staff, the senior management team and other Governors. Together we want to achieve a positive experience for all who come to Weald Rise and continue to learn and grow through our various meetings and training sessions.
Thank you to all the families and children for helping to follow safety instructions and moving around the school with care. We really appreciate this.
TabassumParent Governor
"Hello there! I joined as a Parent Governor in 2019. This is my first stint in getting a closer look at the education sector within UK. I have gained more than a decade's experience across various industries while being an auditor such as pharmaceutical, banking, manufacturing. However, now that I am also gaining experience as an immigrant mum of two girls going to Weald rise, I thought it best to get to know the education system better by joining the Governing body and share the cross border experience gained. Originally from Mumbai, I came to UK in 2009 and empathise with the vast majority of parents who are similarly placed. I look forward to working together and contributing towards the best practices at our school."
NealParent Governor
I am a Parent Governor. I am currently sit on the Resources Committee.
I have now lived in Harrow/Wealdstone for 35years, which in-turn gives me a stake in the welfare of the people in the Borough of Harrow. I also have a lovely daughter who is currently in Year 3 at Weald Rise
My work background has predominately been in Higher Education and as a Masters Student, I have studied and have interests in the subjects of Race & Education and School Inclusion
I currently work for an NHS Trust in Information Governance
I wanted to become a School Governor, so that I could use my skills and experience to benefit and support my local school and community
ToyinStaff Governor
I'm a qualified teacher. I'm currently the EYFS Leader at Weald Rise Primary School. In my pre-teen years, I moved to Nigeria where I completed my secondary to university education, I then lectured adults for several years in the in-service National Television College. On return to England, I went back to university to obtain a master's degree. I then worked for an electronic engineering company for a few years but went on to do a stint working for the Prison Service Headquarters in pay & industrial relations. Following the birth of my two children I retrained as a primary school teacher. I have previously served multiple terms as a Governor within Barnet, at Brooklands and St Paul's Primary Schools and Copthall School. I am passionate about pastoral care, inclusion, and child protection.
I am a Parent Governor and I have children’s in Y6, Y4, Y3 and Reception classes. My personal experience is in the banking sector. I have great analytical skills and has been able to run profitable business successfully. My skills will help the school to make the right financial decisions and support the promotion of educational values. I pledge to offer my best service.