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Weald Rise Primary

Harrow Schools Alliance

Harrow Schools Alliance

Weald Rise Primary School is committed to developing leadership at all levels.  We are part of the Harrow Teaching School Alliance and for a number of years we have been recognised as a ‘Learning Hub’ specialising in support for Assessment. 


As part of this, we run a number of professional development courses in school for teachers and leaders from across Harrow.  This requires us to be confident in our own practice and have a proven track record in sharing this expertise with others. 


If you are interested in attending an Assessment course run by the school, please book on at: https://ss4eharrow.uk/. You can also email the school at office@wealdrise.harrow.sch.uk for the attention of Deepa Samani (Deputy Headteacher) for more information on the courses that we are holding this year or for tailored school- to- school support.