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Weald Rise Primary

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding which is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of children who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM).

Schools also receive funding for Looked-after children (LAC) who are in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority; children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales and children of service personnel.

The Secretary of State for Education lays down the following terms and conditions on which assistance is given in relation to the pupil premium grant (PPG) payable to schools and local authorities for the financial year beginning 1 April 2017. PPG may be spent on the following ways:

  • on raising the attainment of disadvantaged children of all abilities to reach their potential
  • on supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
  •  on purposes of the school to support the educational and emotional wellbeing of pupils
  • on community facilities e.g. services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated

Schools can decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils to support their progress and development.

Pupil Premium at Weald Rise Primary School

In making decisions on the use of the Pupil Premium we will:

  • Encourage take up of Pupil Premium by working proactively with our parents and carers in a sensitive and supportive manner.
  • Ensure there is robust monitoring and evaluation in place to account for the use of the Pupil Premium, by the school and the governing body.
  • Be transparent in our reporting of how we used the Pupil Premium

Meeting the needs of pupils who are in receipt of Pupil Premium

We are committed to diminishing the differences between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their more affluent peers.

We believe in Quality First Teaching and Learning as the preferred way to diminish gaps.

We use Pupil Premium to fund Quality First Teaching and targeted interventions with proven evidence of impact to assist our pupils who need additional support.

We have high expectations for all pupils eligible for PP to achieve their curriculum targets and make at least 3 steps of progress per year.

We provide additional   financial support to families to support their children’s wider development and achievement through the funding of school trips, extra-curricular activities, after school clubs and family learning groups.

Additional staff are employed by the school to support the learning of pupils eligible for PP.  

At Weald Rise Primary school, we are committed to all our pupils and we want all groups of pupils to do well.  To this extent we aim to close any gaps between our pupils eligible for PP and all other pupils and we expect them to have at least similar outcomes to all other pupils nationally.

Key Priorities

  • To ensure quality teaching and learning for all
  • To create an emotionally safe and engaging school environment 
  • To enhance the curriculum offer 
  • To overcome barriers to future attainment for all pupils eligible for PP, (including high ability). 


It will be the responsibility of the Head teacher, or delegated member of staff to produce termly reports for the Governing body on:

  • A summary of progress made by pupils eligible for PP
  • An outline of provision, expenditure and impact that was made

 Please click below to see our Pupil Premium Spending Report.

If you wish to know more about what the Pupil Premium is and how schools can choose to utilise it, please click here