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Weald Rise Primary



Admissions to Weald Rise

Children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 will start Reception class in Harrow schools in September 2023. The closing date for applications is  Saturday, 15th January 2023.

A late application can be submitted, but it will only be considered after all the applications that were submitted before the closing date have been considered first.


Please apply online at http://www.eadmissions.org.uk for a school place

If your child is due to start with us in Nursery

if your child is due to start with us in Reception

How to Apply

Apply for a place to start Reception class in September 2023:

Reception application

Apply for an in year school place

In year school admissions

If you would also like to check the below attachment. Please note you will need a PDF Reader to view the information.

School Admissions Contact:

Email: education@harrow.gov.uk

Civic 1
Civic Centre

Nursery  Applications:

If you are interested in applying for a Nursery place for your child, please contact the School office for more information. Your child can attend nursery either in the morning or the afternoon. We also offer places for the whole day.

Nursery 2020 leaflet download