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Weald Rise Primary

Values and Ethos

Values and Ethos


To inspire and challenge aspirations, empowering our pupils and ensuring they are ready and equipped with the skills to make their unique mark on the world.


At Weald Rise every individual is valued. Our whole community; pupils, staff, parents, governors, are all involved in promoting and living our values every day as they underpin our school experience. They sit at the heart of our thinking and decision making and guide us towards achieving our shared vision.


Working together with our community to enable our children to reach their full potential through professional partnerships, collaborative teaching and learning and shared goals.   


Encouraging pupils to never give up and rise to the challenge through confidence, determination and perseverance.


Motivating each pupil to aspire to turn their hopes and dreams into reality.


Learning to respect and value ourselves and others, celebrating diversity and empowering our pupils to make positive contributions to our community and society.