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Weald Rise Primary

Harrow Schools Counselling Services


"The school’s work to promote pupils’ development and welfare is good. Pupils are confident and say they feel safe at school."

At Weald Rise Primary school, we prioritise children’s and adults’ mental health and wellbeing and clear systems and processes are in place to identify mental health problems. Children and adults feel safe in school and know where they can access support.   

We provide ongoing support for our school community’s wellbeing through our PSHE programmes, assemblies and school policies and our open door policy. Additional support is provided by our Learning mentor either on an individual basis or as a group.  All children can self- refer and access counselling through “The Space.” A daily lunchtime drop in club is extremely popular with the children.

Children with more complex emotional and behavioural needs are further supported by external agencies including Harrow Educational Psychology Service, Harrow Schools Counselling Partnership and Harrow Horizons. Specialist therapeutic support is available for vulnerable pupils with more complex needs.