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Weald Rise Primary

The School Day

The School Day

School Day

8.50am – 3.15pm – Reception and Year 1

8:50am - 3:20pm - Year 2 and Year 3

8.50am – 3.30pm – Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 

The children go into class from 8.45am where their Class Teacher will meet them. The register is taken at 8.50am.  If your child arrives at school after 8.55am they need to be signed into the late register in the School Office by the parent/carer.


In the afternoon the school gates open at 3.15pm.  Children may then be collected by a known person. If you are held up or know you are going to be late please contact the School Office.

Children that are collected late are taken to wait for their parents inside the Reception Area.

Please make sure that the School Office has your up to date phone number and emergency contact numbers.