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Weald Rise Primary

Parent Workshops

Parent Workshops

PArent workshops

 Over the course of the year, we hold a range of parent workshops and sessions. 

These include:

- Welcome meetings for each year group held in September.

- Early Reading and Fluent Readers workshops.

- Maths support sessions.

- How to use Seesaw.

- Phonic workshops.

- SATs information sessions.

We always welcome suggestions from parents for further workshop ideas. Please let your class teacher know your request or email the school office: office@wealdrise.harrow.sch.uk.

Safeguarding Workshop-1



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Safeguarding Workshop-2


The autolist folder PARENTS/SAFEGUARDING_WORKSHOP does not exist or has been moved.


The autolist folder PARENTS/SAFEGUARDING_WORKSHOP does not exist or has been moved.



Safeguarding Workshop-3



Please follow the link for Safeguarding Workshop-3




  1. Parent & community baseline https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Year3FGMParentBaseline

EVALUATIONS (post training or workshops) Survey

  1. Parent Workshop https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Yr3FGMParentWorkshopsEvaluation 

Parents Workshop Photos:


Useful websites: