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Weald Rise Primary

School Improvement

School Improvement

Challenge Partners

At Weald Rise Primary School we belong to the national Challenge Partners network. This

enables us to evaluate our school improvement priorities. Annually, we receive a Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review. As part of the review process, we welcome external reviewers to our school. The team consists of a lead reviewer with Ofsted experience and two other senior leaders from other parts of the country.


The review team identify key strengths and areas for further improvement. They work collaboratively with the school’s senior leaders and spend time in classes and speaking to groups of children. We joined Challenge Partners in 2018/2019 academic year.  Our latest review can be seen by following the link


Our school’s senior leaders are also trained Challenge Partner reviewers and enjoy the opportunity to review other schools. This experience helps us to reflect upon our own

practice and share good ideas with other senior leaders.


We are also delighted to have “Broadening the Curriculum” accredited as an Area of Excellence in our February 2025 review and “Going beyond the School gate accredited in 2019. This means that we can share this success at Weald Rise, in Harrow Schools and with other schools across the rest of the Challenge Partners network.


Throughout the school year, the school also has several School Improvement visits carried out by our School Improvement Advisor. These visits involve a range of monitoring activities to include the quality of education, safeguarding procedures, progress against our previous Ofsted inspection actions and school attendance.