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Weald Rise Primary

Challenge Partners

Challenge Partners

We became a Challenge Partner school in April 2018. This collaboration with other good and outstanding schools in England, helps us to challenge ourselves and further develop professionally.

We are therefore able to build on our existing success while considering how best to respond to the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Our desire for excellence and zeal to narrow the gaps in achievement propels us with a desire to engage with all successful platforms, especially to improve the life chances of all our pupils.


Challenge Partners mirror our school values:

  • Excellence – determination to achieve the best for every


  • Equity – treating each other fairly with trust, care and respect.


  • Courageous leadership – we take responsibility for all children, and do our best for our own school.


  • Challenge – we expect the best of ourselves and each other; challenge helps us improve.


  • Collaboration – we work together by sharing and listening, we develop this so that every child benefits from our partnership.


  • Innovation – we innovate with discipline and evaluate intelligently for better outcomes for all children, especially the most disadvantaged.


Quality Assurance Review 7th Feb 24