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Weald Rise Primary

Winter Fair 2021

Winter Fair 2021



Dear Parent/Carer, 

We need your help in the following areas: 

Nursery & Reception classes to bring - Cakes / Biscuits 

Year 1 to bring - Sweets / Crisps 

Year 2 to bring - Chocolate (packets) / Chocolate (boxes) 

Year 3 to bring - Bottles of drink 

Year 4 to bring – Candles 

Years 5 & 6 to bring - Toiletries (fragranced items) 

Whole school to bring - Unwanted Gifts (in good condition) 

Cash Donations for the school to buy hot food 

Other support needed are: 

1. Donation of prizes for our Raffle draw. You can speak to a friend or family member who owns a business to kindly make a donation. This could range from a gift voucher, cash donation and can vary from free haircuts and beauty treatments, to event tickets and attractions, electronic gadgets, children’s prizes, hampers, confectionery etc. 

2. Parents/members of the community who own their own business can hire a table for £20 to display their products. If you are interested, please contact the school office. 

Any donations would be thankfully received to help with raising vital funds for our school and the Christmas raffle is always well supported, and raises lots of money. 

Please send any donations to school by Wednesday 1st December 2021. 

Thank you. 

Yours sincerely, 

Weald Rise Events Team